OPML Generator
Library Cataloging

OPML Generator

The OPML Generator will take a list of RSS URLs and generate an OPML file. No reason not to have an OPML file where they are useful now.


- Opml
How (and Why) to Create an OPML File by Marshall Kirkpatrick is only new to me. A PR person looks at the Outline Processor Markup Language.There?s a billion other reasons to use OPML - just ask yourself in what circumstances you can imagine sending someone...

- Zimbio
Here's a new (to me anyway) social web site, Zimbio. They do have a library and information science area. Not much to it at the moment. One feature they have is a customizable OPML tool. Check off the areas of their site you are interested in receiving...

- Opml
OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) is interesting. There are better formats out there to do the same thing, XOXO (Extensible Open XHTML Outlines) for example. However, it works well with RSS, and seems to have become the most widespread of the formats....

- Opml 2.0
Steven Cohen (Library Stuff) persuaded Dave Winer to create an audio file discussing the 2.0 version of the OPML standard. OPML...

- Library Podcasting
Has anyone created an OPML file for library podcasts? Podcasting...

Library Cataloging
