Phoenix Catalog
Library Cataloging

Phoenix Catalog

Phoenix Public Library has just started using a faceted approach to the catalog. Personally, I think the multiple access points clustered in a sidebar in a very useful and intuitive approach.

Another innovation is that they are using the BISAC Subject Headings. Look at field 695. Another access point. I hope they used a program to grab them from ONIX records. I'd like to know the details. There are problems with multiple thesauri in one catalog. Ask anyone who has both LCSH and MeSH. The facet approach may limit those problems. Interesting experiment.

- Oclc Releases Fast As Linked Data
OCLC has released FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) as Linked Data. FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology), an enumerative, faceted subject heading schema derived from the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), is now...

- Code4lib Journal
The Code4Lib Journal has released the first issue. Lots of good stuff there.Beyond OPAC 2.0: Library Catalog as Versatile Discovery Platform by Tito Sierra, Joseph Ryan, and Markus WustFacet-based search and navigation with LCSH: Problems and opportunities...

- Reclassification
Reclassification of Electronic Product Catalogs: The "Apricot" Approach and Its Evaluation Results by Sven Abels and Axel Hahn appears in the latest Informing Science Journal.Electronic Product Catalogs (EPCs) are becoming more and more important as businesses...

- Onix
When I noted the revision to the ONIX standard I asked if anyone has access to ONIX records or are they hidden behind firewalls at the publisher's sites. LC has access, but I've not heard from anyone that a publisher is making their ONIX records...

- Mapping Thesauri
Another, much larger, mapping of terms from one thesauri to another is mapping MeSH to LCSH as done at Northwestern University. "Mapping the MeSH and LCSH Systems" by Tony Olson and Gary Strawn Information Technology and Libraries. 16(1) (March 1997)...

Library Cataloging
