RSS Tool
Library Cataloging

RSS Tool

Feedroll makes adding RSS feeds to your site as easy as cut and paste. Slick. I've added the feed from where I work.

- Metadata
Adding COinS and DOIs to our Contribution pages. Don't look for them yet, not yet live. I've also updated the RSS feed for the pages. This is not cataloging, or is it? The metadata fits some of the activities in FRBR. Find, identify, and acquire...

- Unapi
Dan Chudnov continued his work on unAPI. Now the slides from his talk at Code4Lib are available. As a rule, I don't link to slides. However, I think this is the best idea since RSS. Think of the implications. Any site can easily install an API to...

- Rss Validator
Here is a tool that will validate your RSS feed on a daily basis and e-mail you the results.Please enter the URL of a feed that you wish to validate periodically, an email address you want the result to be sent to, and a subject for the email (which makes...

- Rss
The RSS Valiadator checks RSS feeds. It works with RSS 0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 1.0, and 2.0, but it is optimized for RSS 2.0 feeds. This ensures that the RSS feed is up to standards. It also recognizes elements from other name spaces, like Dublin Core....

- Rss
Catalogablog is configured to support FeedMe. This is a slick tool. It allows you to be e-mailed the contents of an RSS feed. If you have any problem using FeedMe with this site, please let me know. These RSS functions are the first applications I'm...

Library Cataloging
