Web Logs
Library Cataloging

Web Logs

Filters and Rogue Librarians: Weblogs in the Library World by Geoffrey Skinner.
Defines and discusses the history of weblogs, or "blogs." Examines the creation of weblogs among libraries and librarians. Provides a framework for planning for a library-created weblog using a standard planning process, including needs assessment, budgeting and evaluation. Analyzes the possible uses of weblogs in a small special library.

- Metadata Posting In The Liswiki
I've just posted an item to the LISWiki on metadata in weblogs. It was begun as a chapter for a book a couple years back. Then I started to rework it as a journal article. However, I've just not had the time to whip it into shape. Here it is,...

- This Weblog
Some changes have been made to this Weblog. The blogroll is gone. No one said they would miss it, so I guess it was wasted space. I have created a link in the index to Library Weblogs where I point to some of the directories and the RSS aggregation, LISFeeds.I...

- Weblogs
In the Subject Cataloging Manual August 2003 update pages for H 1110 Free-Floating Subdivisions: Names of Persons is listed:$vWeblogs Use for weblogs by or about the person....

- Rss
rssSearch is a search engine which harvests and indexes the RSS/RDF files produced by weblogs across the Internet. It is built up from a number of components, a harvester, an indexer, a search engine, and a user interface. Currently it indexes 34,899...

- Amazon
I have become an Amazon associate. Not to get piles of cash from mentioning books like the Classification System for Libraries of Judaica. Rather, because there is a nifty Web service I wished to participate in, Weblog Bookwatch.The Weblog Bookwatch searches...

Library Cataloging
