Beyond the OPAC
Library Cataloging

Beyond the OPAC

MP3 audio and PowerPoints are already available from the Beyond the OPAC : future directions for Web-based catalogues meeting. The presentations are:Some also have the text of the presentation available. I'm downloading all the MP3s. Thanks to Peta for bringing this to my attention.


- Opac 2.0
Chalon, Patrice X. and Di Pretoro, Emmanuel and Kohn, Laurence (2008) OPAC 2.0: Opportunities, development and analysis. In Proceedings 11th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries, Helsinki (Finland).Web 2.0 has raised new expectations from...

- Subject Retrieval In Opac's
Schallier, Wouter (2005) Subject retrieval in OPAC's: a study of three interfaces. In Gascón, Jesús and Burguillos, Ferran and Pons, Amadeu, Eds. Proceedings La dimensión humana de la organización del conociemento / The human dimension of knowledge...

- Enhanced Opacs
Does your OPAC provide services or tools beyond the norm? If so Steven Cohen, at Library Stuff, want to hear about it. Once he has had a few replies it might be a good place to get ideas for improving your own OPAC. OPAC...

- Classification Web
This announcement from CDS:You may have noticed recently the addition of a link for "Library of Congress OPAC (read-only)" on the Class Web OPAC page. This link was included for ALA Midwinter on an experimental basis and it connected to mirror version...

- Webwords
Webwords appears to be a useful feature in the OPAC for users of audio books. I'd be happy to hear a clip of the reader before checking it out. I often listen to audio books and occasionally a readers voice is not what I want to hear. I've returned...

Library Cataloging
