Enhanced OPACs
Library Cataloging

Enhanced OPACs

Does your OPAC provide services or tools beyond the norm? If so Steven Cohen, at Library Stuff, want to hear about it. Once he has had a few replies it might be a good place to get ideas for improving your own OPAC.


- Opac Replaced By Fish
Christopher Harris at Infomancy has an OPAC replacement, a FISH. FISH: Free (as in kittens) Integrated Search Handler. Using freely available tools has put together a system to replace the catalog. Seeing what he has done is fascinating and inspiring.With...

- Beyond The Opac
MP3 audio and PowerPoints are already available from the Beyond the OPAC : future directions for Web-based catalogues meeting. The presentations are:Beyond the OPAC : future directions for web-based catalogues by Martha YeeThe well connected catalogue...

- Subject Retrieval In Opac's
Schallier, Wouter (2005) Subject retrieval in OPAC's: a study of three interfaces. In Gascón, Jesús and Burguillos, Ferran and Pons, Amadeu, Eds. Proceedings La dimensión humana de la organización del conociemento / The human dimension of knowledge...

- The Opac And Oai
The winner of the OCLC software contest is Dazhi (David) Jiao of Bloomington Indiana for his OPAC.CAT-OAI integrates OAI harvesting and metadat searching to OPAC search engines and expands users' discoveries in a OPAC search results to related web-accesible...

- Classification Web
This announcement from CDS:You may have noticed recently the addition of a link for "Library of Congress OPAC (read-only)" on the Class Web OPAC page. This link was included for ALA Midwinter on an experimental basis and it connected to mirror version...

Library Cataloging
