Library Cataloging
Blacklight, Another OPAC Option
Blacklight, an open source OPAC using ruby on rails and solr, has now been released.
A next generation library catalog written in ruby, using solr as the underlying search engine. All you have to do is export your marc records, index them with the scripts provided, start up ruby on rails, and you're on your way to faceted browsing bliss.
Security Issue
Ruby and Ruby on Rails have been widely used by the library coding community. In the past few weeks major security flaws have exposed in the tools. A List Apart (the other ALA) has an informative article on the topic, De-Railing Security Bugs. I'm...
Another Os Ils
Project Next-L, the librarian community in Japan has announced the release of the open-source integrated library system, Next-L Enju Leaf 1.0.0. Next-L Enju Leaf is a full-featured ILS built on Ruby on Rails 3.1, Apache Solr and their RESTful architecture....
A new version of Blacklight is available.Blacklight is a free and open source ruby-on-rails based discovery interface (a.k.a. ?next-generation catalog?) especially optimized for heterogeneous collections. You can use it as a library catalog, as a front...
Code4lib Conference
The video from the Code4Lib Conference is now on Note that you can get the MPEG2 high def format there. Some talks include:MARCThing Casey Durfee discusses MARCThing, a self-contained web service which aims to do for MARC and Z39.50 what...
Solr 1.1 Release
Solr 1.1 is now available for download. What is Sorl?Solr is an open source enterprise search server based on the Lucene Java search library, with XML/HTTP and JSON APIs, hit highlighting, faceted search, caching, replication, and a web administration...
Library Cataloging