Library Cataloging


A new version of Blacklight is available.
Blacklight is a free and open source ruby-on-rails based discovery interface (a.k.a. ?next-generation catalog?) especially optimized for heterogeneous collections. You can use it as a library catalog, as a front end for a digital repository, or as a single-search interface to aggregate digital content that would otherwise be siloed.

- Open Publication Distribution System (opds) Catalog Format For Digital Content
Version 1.0 of the Open Publication Distribution System (OPDS) Catalog format for digital content has been released.The open ebook community and the Internet Archive are pleased to announce the release of the first production version of the Open Publication...

- Code4lib Conference
The video from the Code4Lib Conference is now on Note that you can get the MPEG2 high def format there. Some talks include:MARCThing Casey Durfee discusses MARCThing, a self-contained web service which aims to do for MARC and Z39.50 what...

- Extensible Text Framework (xtf)
The California Digital Library (CDL) is pleased to announce a new release of its search and display technology, the eXtensible Text Framework (XTF) version 2.1. XTF is an open source, highly flexible software application that supports the search, browse...

- Blacklight, Another Opac Option
Blacklight, an open source OPAC using ruby on rails and solr, has now been released.A next generation library catalog written in ruby, using solr as the underlying search engine. All you have to do is export your marc records, index them with the scripts...

- Scriblio Download Now Available
Scriblio, the Mellon Award winning front end for the catalog, is now available for free download. It is based on WordPress, the popular blogging tool.Scriblio (formerly WPopac) is an award winning, free, open source CMS and OPAC with faceted searching...

Library Cataloging
