Library Cataloging


This has been reported elsewhere, but is too slick not to mention again. Users of Innovative systems can have a bookmarklet on their tool bar to search their local system. Have this available for your patrons.
Let's say you're on a book-related site (Amazon, BN,, All Consuming, possibly others), and a book's info page is your current page. (Specifically: its URL contains an ISBN.) You can click your bookmarklet to check if the book is available in your local library. The bookmarklet will invoke your library's instance of the Innovative service, feed it the ISBN, and pop up a new window with the result.
Thank you Jon Udell for a useful tool.

- Isbn Tool
The ISBN Links Generator will generate various links keyed by an ISBN. The list of links includes:Google "Look Inside"Amazon "Search Inside" sales page (with affiliate code)Amazon Web Service Item InfoOU Library catalogue lookupOCLC Audience...

- Worldcat/google Bookmarklet
This is slick, the Worldcat/Google Bookmarklet. Thanks to all involved. It may have some use to catalogers, but even more to reference staff, I can see when a patron is looking for a book not in the collection this would be a great way to find it elsewhere.Simply...

- Isbn
Some interesting work being based on the ISBN (soon to be EAN). The isbnsearch project isA distributed search portal of common sources of ISBN numbers, with permanent caching of results. To provide a open-source free interface for ISBN retrieval using...

- Openurl Bookmarklet

- Librarylookup
Jon Udell has added other library systems to the LibraryLookup bookmarklet. Now users of the epixtech IPAC and Endeavor systems can offer this to their patrons. If your library uses one of these systems make this available on your Web page for your patrons...

Library Cataloging
