MARC Tools
Library Cataloging

MARC Tools

PTFS has released some Open Source MARC Utilities Tools.
PTFS has released its MARC Utilities - Metadata Converter, for the conversion of MARC records in batch mode to other metadata formats including Dublin Core and XML.

The MARC Utilities is a self-contained executable program which offers an array of catalog tools to manage, convert and analyze MARC-based data. It is written in Perl-TK, and is a great add-on to any MARC cataloger's (or database administrator's) toolset.

- Java Marc Tool
The second release candidate of MARC4J 2.0 is now available. Starting from release 2.0rc1 the event based parser is replaced by an easier to use interface that uses a simple iterator over a collection of MARC records.The MARC4J library includes:An easy...

- Marc Tools
In a few weeks I'm giving a talk on MARC tools.There are many free tools available to perform specific tasks on MARC records. Proper use of these tools will help to eliminate improper coding, clean up of catalogs, or transform records into another...

- Marc To Dublin Core Converter
MARC::Crosswalk::DublinCore is now available on CPAN.It includes methods to convert MARC records to both simple and qualified Dublin Core. Future plans include doing a reverse crosswalk (DC->MARC) and having the sample program (marc2dc) return DC/XML...

- Marcedit
Some news from Terry Reese about his MarcEdit program.I posted a new version of MarcEdit this evening. The program includes some new utilities, some fixes to the Z39.50 client and some new crosswalks. Also worth mentioning. I'm including a MARC=>FGDC...

- Marc Edit
A new version of MARC Edit by Terry Reese is now available. Here are some of the new features: Enhanced MarcEngine -- for faster MARC manipulation and more exposed functions/methodsGlobal Indicator editing tools and enhancements to all existing editing...

Library Cataloging
