Library Cataloging
MARC to Dublin Core Converter
MARC::Crosswalk::DublinCore is now available on CPAN.
It includes methods to convert MARC records to both simple and qualified Dublin Core. Future plans include doing a reverse crosswalk (DC->MARC) and having the sample program (marc2dc) return DC/XML output rather than an ad-hoc text format.
There are other tools for this task, MarcEdit for example. It is nice to have a choice and find the best one for the work needed.
Marc Tools
PTFS has released some Open Source MARC Utilities Tools.PTFS has released its MARC Utilities - Metadata Converter, for the conversion of MARC records in batch mode to other metadata formats including Dublin Core and XML. The MARC Utilities is a self-contained...
Oai Dc Or Sru Dc Schemata To Mods
The Network Development and MARC Standards Office have made available a stylesheet to transform simple Dublin Core (DC) expressed in either OAI DC or SRU DC schemata to MODS (version 3.2).The transformation may be used in cases where simple Dublin Core...
Role Properties For Dublin Core
The DCMI Usage Board, together with the Network Development and MARC Standards Office of the Library of Congress, have announced the availability of a sub-set of MARC Relator terms as role properties which refine the "agent" elements of Dublin Core (Creator,...
Oai 2 Marc
Is anyone using a script to take the results for an OAI search and turn it into a the skeleton of a MARC record? OAI is based on the Dublin Core, so the crosswalk is there. There are some rich bibliographical databases available via OAI, so the resources...
Marc Edit
A new version of MARC Edit by Terry Reese is now available. Here are some of the new features: Enhanced MarcEngine -- for faster MARC manipulation and more exposed functions/methodsGlobal Indicator editing tools and enhancements to all existing editing...
Library Cataloging