Library Cataloging
Is anyone using a script to take the results for an OAI search and turn it into a the skeleton of a MARC record? OAI is based on the Dublin Core, so the crosswalk is there. There are some rich bibliographical databases available via OAI, so the resources are there. The XML version of a record seems simple enough for even a script kitty to write some Perl to change it into basic MARC. It could save some typing or even be used to add minimal level records to a catalog.
To see the raw XML do a search at MyOAI and just select XML view for any result.
Marc Rtp
A while back I posted that the MARC Record Translation Program (MARC RTP) had disappeared. Now it is back, though at a temporary home.MARC RTP was especially developed so that catalogue data contained in MARC format files could be converted, and selectively...
Marc Authority Records
Here is a poll. Make your opinion count.I am trying to simplify the saving (downloading) of records from LC Authorities and would like to ask LC to change the default format for saving such records from text format to MARC format. Currently, when we retrieve...
Marc To Dublin Core Converter
MARC::Crosswalk::DublinCore is now available on CPAN.It includes methods to convert MARC records to both simple and qualified Dublin Core. Future plans include doing a reverse crosswalk (DC->MARC) and having the sample program (marc2dc) return DC/XML...
Really Rudimentary Catalog
Really Rudimentary Catalog is a simple "card catalog" program. It consists of:bin/ - a rather brain-dead acquisitions program that downloads MARC records from the Library of Congressbin/ - another brain-dead program that converts...
How have I missed this, there is a Perl4Lib mail list. It is hosted by Rice University, just up the road. My subscription request has already been sent. Aside from the list archives, there are other resources is a Perl 5 module, composed...
Library Cataloging