Library Cataloging


I've been invited to the beta of Newsvine, no link because there is nothing there for the public yet. It is a news service (AP wire stories), rating site (think Digg), and posting site. I have 20 invites, so if anyone is interested drop me a line and I'll send them off until they are gone.


- Zimbio
Here's a new (to me anyway) social web site, Zimbio. They do have a library and information science area. Not much to it at the moment. One feature they have is a customizable OPML tool. Check off the areas of their site you are interested in receiving...

- This 'blog
Bloglet has begun working again. That is the service that e-mails postings from web logs each night. No need to visit a site, a good option for folks who like e-mail. However, this summer it has provided erratic service, not so nice. Since it is a free...

- Houston Area
The University of North Texas School of Library and Information Science is having an alumni gathering Friday evening, October 4. Prospective students are also invited.I like my alma mater. It has been innovative in delivering MLS education to remote areas....

- Economic Impact Of Libraries
Marylaine Block has offered to create a Web page for stories of how libraries have helped individuals become more productive, taxpaying citizens. Seems like it could be a valuable project.I know you have your own success stories, even if they're mostly...

- Platform For Internet Content Selection (pics)
I've added a PICS tag to the head section of this site. Personally, I like the use of self-rating sites and leaving the decision on what to see in the hands of the user. In both IE and Netscape, there is a content advisor that can block sites which...

Library Cataloging
