Web2Marc Generator
Library Cataloging

Web2Marc Generator

Seen on Cataloging Futures the Web2Marc Generator.
The Web2Marc Generator is a simple tool that generates MARC or MODS records for websites. This tool is useful for librarians who are interested in adding web resources to their library catalogs.
I'd like to know just where and how it is getting the information. Its nice that it offers the records in MARC, MODS and other flavors.

- Oai Dc Or Sru Dc Schemata To Mods
The Network Development and MARC Standards Office have made available a stylesheet to transform simple Dublin Core (DC) expressed in either OAI DC or SRU DC schemata to MODS (version 3.2).The transformation may be used in cases where simple Dublin Core...

- Marcxml To Mods 3.2
The Network Development & MARC Standards Office Library of Congress have finalized a transformation from MARCXML to MODS 3.2. There are a few changes in version 3.2 that affect the conversion of MARC to MODS records. The new MARC to MODS 3.2 stylesheet...

- Xml-sitemaps
XML-Sitemaps lets you:Create an XML sitemap format that can be submitted to Google to help them crawl your website better.Create a Text sitemap to submit to Yahoo.Create a ROR sitemap, which is an independant XML format for any search engine.Generate...

- Cufts2marc
cufts2marc, a MARC record generator for titles in CUFTS resources could be a useful tool for providing access to e-journals.cufts2marc is a utility for generating USMARC bibliographic records for the full-text journals in the collections described in...

- Mods
Reengineering a National Resource Discovery Service: MODS Down Under by Roxanne Missingham appears in the latest issue of D-Lib Magazine.Australian libraries have shared resources and records for over two decades through Kinetica, a service provided by...

Library Cataloging
