Library Cataloging
Belated B'Day Wishes
Yesterday, Jan. 2, was J.R.R. Tolkien's 111 birthday.
Happy birthday PacMan, 29 years old today....
Job Interview
Cora, my spouse, is interviewing for a position later today that she very much wants. Any positive thoughts, wishes, prayers for a successful interview are welcome....
Marcedit 5.1 Released
A new version of MarcEdit has been released. (Terry Reese is following the Hobbit habit and giving presents on his birthday.) Terry is presenting at TLA this year, I'm looking forward to that. He has some tutorials on YouTube. Thanks Terry and Happy...
Thanks for all the well wishes. I'm still in the hospital, maybe another week. I broke my pelvis in several places. The pain is more than I can imagine. Yesterday I got out of bed by myself for the 1st time. Took my 1st shower today. Recovery will...
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Frodo and Bilbo....
Library Cataloging