Library Cataloging
I've added trackback to this weblog. Please let me know if it causes you any problems.
Audio Version Now Available
I've just added Odiogo to this weblog. Now, you can listen to posts instead of reading. I don't see much benefit here but it was very very easy to add and the reading is amazing. If you have a weblog that has longer essay pieces, it might make...
Blogging Tool
BlojsomIT! is a servlet version of MoveableType's bookmarklet. We had a previous version but this one is much improved. Essentially it enables you to easily blog an interesting page using one click (well, OK two clicks). You can also send trackback...
Popdex now offers the ability to host TrackBack threads for any arbitrary URL.The Problem: Conversations (threads, memes, etc.) tend to revolve at any given moment around a particular link (i.e to an online article or blog post). If you want to see what...
Library Cataloging