Library Cataloging


Popdex now offers the ability to host TrackBack threads for any arbitrary URL.

The Problem: Conversations (threads, memes, etc.) tend to revolve at any given moment around a particular link (i.e to an online article or blog post). If you want to see what others are saying about that particular newsworthy item, there's no succinct way of doing so. The only option tends to be clicking through all the citation links, and trying to see what people are saying about that particular item.

Part of the Solution: TrackBack pings can now be sent to Popdex for any arbitrary URL, thus creating a hosted, third-party TrackBack solution for any URL on the web. A reverse chronological (most recent first) list of TrackBacks are now listed on all Popdex citation pages.

But I need your help, thus I am invoking the LazyWeb!

I'd like to see this work on Blogger. It is something like citation linking, and that has proven to be useful. Seen on the Shifted Librarian

LazyWeb is a unique idea. People submit ideas they think useful and hope someone else creates the tool.

- Wordpress Plug-in
The CrossRef Citation Plugin is a "WordPress plugin that allows blog entry authors to search CrossRef's metadata using full or partial citations and then insert the formatted and DOI-linked citation into their blog posting along with COINs metadata."...

- Womblink
WOMBLINK is a simple easy tool that may help get some weblog postings about your library.WOMBLINK is a simple way for libraries to encourage word-of-mouth advertising by the blogging patrons -- hence the name, Word of Mouth Blog LINK. By adding a "blog...

- Trackback
I've added trackback to this weblog. Please let me know if it causes you any problems. Trackback...

- Blogging Tool
BlojsomIT! is a servlet version of MoveableType's bookmarklet. We had a previous version but this one is much improved. Essentially it enables you to easily blog an interesting page using one click (well, OK two clicks). You can also send trackback...

- Threadtrack
An interesting project at Janes' Blogosphere. ThreadTrack tracks cross-blog conversations, "threads", as they're called. If any blog entry references another, they go together into a single thread, arranged by posting time and hierarchically as...

Library Cataloging
